We know the least about them, but we do know that they can allow their allies to use their Phase Gate network (which lets them jump between any two planets). The Rebels, conversely, are willing to play nicely with others. Frazer says it's a risky strategy, though - you have to be on strong economic footing to successfully pull up your roots, so you can't do it too early. They're the only faction that's able to keep on fighting with no colonized planets at all. Once they have that, they have no more need for planets, so they can strip them of every shred of resources and leave behind nothing but a dead, uninhabitable asteroid.

They can upgrade their capital ships to produce money, supply, and research, and their Titan can function as a mobile capital world (and also summon Dark Fleet ships).

Finally, the Vasari: the hyper-aggressive Loyalists can no longer sit still and wait for the still-unnamed threat that chased them into TEC space to catch up with them, so they're focused on mobility. The Vasari Loyalists can strip planets of every shred of resources and leave behind nothing but a dead, uninhabitable asteroid.